Helmut Föll

Helmut Foell
Title: Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Present Position: Retired
Former Chairholder "Materials Science" in the Materials Science group of the Faculty of Engineering
What I really do: None of your business
If you want to find out something, check:
My Hyperscripts, formerly known as The Hyperscripts of "AMAT", the
Most popular Hyperscripts in the world! (Refute that if you can!)
What I did Retirement is a good point in time to take stock. The "Hochschulgesetz" of Schleswig-Holstein, if memory serves, requests a professor to be active in the following areas: Research, Teaching, Production of young academics, adequate participation within the autonomous administration, and technology transfer.
It does not request reproduction; I did that on the side.
So here goes:
About 350 publications (including about 70 from before the CAU time). Almost all in refereed journals and books, leading to a "Hirsch factor" of 36.
One of the two initiators and speaker of the "DFG - Schwerpunkt: Photonische Kristalle". Successful proposals for about 5.4 Mio € third-party funds, enabling, among many other things, the building of the "Kieler Nanolab".
Key role in the introduction of the study courses "Dipl.-Ing. Materialwissenschaft" in 1992 and "Master of Materials Science and Engineering" in 1999. 11 new lecture courses were conceived from scratch and taught most of the time. All lecture courses are augmented by "hyperscipts", freely accessible in the Net, that enjoy considerable international appreciation. (2104: 18 Mio requests from 1.5 Mio users; 7 TB downloads).
Teaching award of the state of Schleswig-Holstein in 2001; special prize from Siemens AG for excellence in teaching Engineers in 2001.
    Production of young academics
Acted for 25 Ph.D's as first advisor and for a comparable number as second adviser. Several post-docs acquired special knowledge; at least 5 are professors or pursuing an academic career.
    Participation within the autonomous CAU / Science administration
Founding dean and twice elected dean of the Faculty of Engineering from 1991 - 2000. Vice dean until 2002.
Many innovations introduced at the start of the School of Engineering are still in place (e.g. internal financing with a global budget). Member of the CAU senate and various boards, Chairman of the Materials Science examination board, executive director of the Institute for Materials Science and so on for far more years than I care to remember. Member or chairman of boards of many science organizations (Technologiestiftung S.-H., ISIT Itzehoe, GKSS Geesthacht, MPI Halle, Forschungszentrum Jülich, …). Chairman of more than 15 "Berufungskommissionen" and many "Promotionsausschüsse". DFG "Vertrauensdozent for 12 years. Founder of the "Förderverein der Technischen Fakultät", plus considerable fund raising activities for this entity; e.g. about 15 stipends for foreign master students over a period of several years.
    Technology transfer
41 patents and patent applications (including 9 from before the CAU). About 15 % of the license fees of the "Patent Verwertungsstelle" (PVA) resulted from these patents.
Many projects with companies (mostly but not always with public funding).
A spin-off company (ET&TE GmbH) that markets the unique hard and software of the group was founded in 2004.
Curriculum Vitae
4/15 Well Done!
Prof Kienle now is "Vertrauensdozent" of the DFG at the CAU.
10/14 Done!
but still "Vertrauensdozent" of the DFG at the CAU (since Oct. 2003).
    "Goldene Ehrennadel" (Badge of honor?) of the CAU for having been a good guy
    Dimitris Cantomir medal from the Acaemy of Science, Moldova, for "promoting long-standing excellent cooperations" with Moldova.
11/09 No longer "Head of Examination Board" of Materials Science. (Prüfungsausschussvorsitzender).
1/07 Caught Again!
  • "Executive Director" of the Institute of Materials Science. (Geschäftsführender Direktor).
  • "Vertrauensdozent" of the DFG at the CAU (since Oct. 2003).
  • And still vice president of the "Förderverein" of the Technische Fakultät.
6/06 Visions occurred and started something big: The "Kiel Nanolab"
1/04 Initiated "ET&TE GmbH" together with coworkers from the Chair.
12/01 "Teaching Award" of the State of Schleswig Holstein (DM 20.000.-)
And a special price of Siemens for excellence in teaching engineers (3 Fujitsu-Siemens "Lifebooks").
In both cases mostly for "pioneering work" in providing Net-based teaching material (Check with the link "Hyperscripts of AMAT" above).
7/00 - now Getting there! No longer Vice Dean! Just a Professor.
But new things come up: Speaker of the "DFG - Schwerpunkt Photonische Kristalle"; still member of various boards and, not to forget, the vice president of the "Förderverein" of the Techische Fakultät (the one who does the work).
7/98 - 7/00 Free at last!
Well, only sort of. Still Vice Dean and member of many boards and commissions.
7/96 - 7/98 Encore! Once more elected Dean
7/94 - 7/96 Elected Dean (with about 200 faculty staff members to manage; not to mention students)
Still plenty of "honor" jobs and memberships of various boards.
10/91 - 07/94 Professor (Chair for Material Science)
And - more important - first (appointed) Dean of the new Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kiel (with exactly 2 faculty staff members to manage)
Being the dean also means lots of side jobs, not all of which were always fun, some lasting 8 years.
  • Vorsitzender wiss. Beirat der Technologiestiftung Schleswig-Holstein und Vorsitzender /Mitglied div. Unterausschüsse.
  • Mitglied wiss. Beirat der GKSS Geesthacht
  • Miglied wiss. Beirat Festkörperphysik; Großforschungszentrum Jülich
  • Mitglied Kuratorium ISiT
  • Mitglied Kuratorium MPI Mikrostrukturphysik Halle
  • Mitglied Arbeitsgruppe "RISI"
  • Gründungsmitglied und Vorstandsmitglied Förderverein der TF
  • Als Dekan Mitglied im Senat und Konsistorium der CAU Kiel
  • Mitglied/Vertreter der TF in sämtlichen Ausschüssen der CAU (Haushalt, Studien, Forschungs und Wissenstransfertransfer,...)
  • Vorsitzender des Fakultätskonvents
  • Prüfungsausschußvorsitzender Materialwissenschaft
  • Vorsitzender in > 15 Berufungsverfahren
11/80 - 9/91 Various Positions with Siemens in Munich
Some solar Silicon; mostly microelectronics; plenty of organization and management jobs
Electrochemistry of Si on the side
Last position: Project leader of Siemens 16Mbit DRAM Project
Most important achievement: Married Sara; reproduced 3 times (What you learn from making DRAMs is that redundancy is important).
1/79 - 6/80 Visiting Scientist at the IBM T. J. Watson Res. Lab. in Yorktown Heights
Mostly Silicides; some defects in Si; Started with Electrochemistry of Si
1/77 - 12/79 Post-doc; Cornell University; Mat. Science Dept.
Grain boundaries in Si, defects in solar Si (remember the oil crisis?)
Most important achievement: Met future wife!
6/76 - 12/76 Post-doc at the MPI Stuttgart
Wrap up of Thesis, process-induced defects in integrated circuits in collaboration with B. Kolbesen from Siemens
(Yes, there where chips back then! We worked at the 16 kbit DRAM)
1976 Price of the "Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen" for thesis work
12/73 - 5/76 Thesis work at the Max-Planck-Institut for Metal Physics in Stuttgart and the University of Stuttgart (Advisor: Prof. Seeger/Prof. Wilkens)
Mostly radiation induced defects in Si and "swirl defects" in Si
6/67 - 12/73 Student of Physics; University of Stuttgart
2/55 - 5/67 Elementary and High-School; (in Geisingen (now Freiberg/N) and Ludwigsburg; Baden-Württemberg
2/1949 Born in Backnang; Baden-Württemberg
Yes! - I am a Suebian. (Remember: Suebian is the language of the successful Germans)
Serious Publications Consult the Link
Readable Publications Partially serious, partially with tongue in cheek
    And about 350 publications for specialists
Ingenieure für die Welt von morgen.
(Eingeladener Beitrag) Festschrift "25 Jahre VDI - Arbeitskreis Technik & Umwelt" (Hrsg. VDI Schleswig-Holsteinischer Bezirksverein), 1996, S. 24 - 28.
Multimedia in der Praxis
Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man Materialwissenschaft?,
Forschungsbericht der CAU, Frühjahr 1999.
Ist Silizium der Stein der Weisen?
Vortrag zum Jahr der Physik im ehemaligen Bundestag in Bonn
Die Universität und der Technologie Transfer
(in german)
One of the obligations of being the Dean is to do all kinds of speaches and welcome addresses. Rather time consuming, but not without rewards.
1996 Sommerfest der Technischen Fakultät
1996 Weihachtsfeier
1997 Promotion von Herrn Lippik und Herrn Ottow
1997 Winterfest der Technischen Fakultät
1997 Sommerfest der Technischen Fakultät
1997 Weihnachtsfeier
1998 Winterfest der Technischen Fakultät
1998 Sommerfest der Technischen Fakultät
A real beauty, because there is a dirty little secret hitten in this and other speeches at this Sommerfest
1999 Promotion von Herrn Prange
2001 Dankesrede zur Preisverleihung
2002 Ingenieurausbildung - ein Schlüssel zur Innovation; Festrede bei der Preisverleihung der Petersen Stiftung 2002
2003 Was wird von der Schule erwartet, um die Anforderungen eines Hoch-Technologie-Standortes Schleswig-Holstein zu erfüllen?;
Diskussionsbeitrag bei der Hermann Ehlers Akademie
2004 Laudatio zu 60ten Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. U. Heute
2005 Rede zum Festkommers der "Alemannia"
2007 Lobgesang zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Peter Seegebrecht in den Ruhestand
2007 Verabschiedung Prof. Brocks
2009 Uli Gösele: His Random Walk Through Science. Festvortrag anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages von Ulrich Gösele; Direktor des MPI Mikrostrukturphysik in Halle.
2010 Uli Gösele Obituaries
  • Text of Halle Obituary; Memorial Kolloquium, Halle, March 2010
  • Paper to PSST Obituary given at the Porous Semiconductor Science and Technology (PSST) Conference in Valencia, Spain, March 2010
  • Powerpoint Presentation of Obituary; Memorial Kolloquium, Halle, March 2010. (Send me an e-mail if you like to have it).
  • Paper to ECS Obituary given at the "Pits and Pores" session; ECS meeting Las Vegas, Oct. 2010.
2010 Solarik und Materialwissenschaft; Vortrag am 18.11.2010 im Ehrensaal des Deutschen Museums in München.
2014 Uli Heute zum 70ten Geburtstag, Vortrag beim Ehemaligen Treffen 2014
Archive Old stuff of spurious relevance. Only interesting to me. Send an e-mail if you suspect it may contain something interesting for you.