This page will gradually be filled with answers to important questions that the Examination Office regularly receives.


Information on the practical phase of the Bachelor's degree programme in Materials Science

The practical phase normally takes place in the 6th semester and lasts 13 weeks. 120 ECTS credits (in justified exceptions, an application can be made to deviate from this!) are needed for registration. This must be done at the Examination Office three weeks before the start of the practical phase at the latest. Admission is granted by the Chair of the Examination Board, who also confirms/nominates the supervising lecturer.

The practical phase is concluded with a report which must be submitted to the supervisor within two weeks of the end of the phase. The supervisor then produces a review within a further two week period.

The practical phase aims to introduce the student to the professional activities of a Bachelor in Materials Science, through the use of concrete tasks and practical assistance in companies or other institutions. In particular, it should enable students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies and to reflect upon and analyse these factors during the experience gained from the practical activities. The practical phase should be equivalent to a full-time working week (39 hours per week).

An application can be made to split the practical phase over a maximum of two periods.

The practical phase is to be carried out in suitable companies, administrative institutions, research institutions or other suitable institutions, but not at Kiel University itself. The student is not automatically entitled to a place for the practical phase. The Examination Board will make decisions regarding the suitability of an internship.

Non-technical optional modules

Do I have to register for non-technical optional modules?

It is normally necessary to register for many of the non-technical optional modules. Please find out about registration details for modules you wish to take in good time.

Information on the range of modules on offer by the Centre for Key Qualifications (ZfS) and the respective registration details can be found here.

If you attend a module requiring registration without registering yourself, you will not be admitted to sit the associated examination.

Can individual non-technical courses also be recognised as non-technical optional modules?

ECTS credits are only obtained by successfully completing modules, not for the completion of single courses that belong to a module. If a module consists of multiple courses, e.g. a lecture and an introductory seminar, all parts of the module have to be completed successfully to obtain the credits. Only full modules can therefore be recognised as non-technical optional modules.

Please inform yourself in good time about which courses belong to the non-technical optional module that you have chosen and whether you will be able to complete the module. Sometimes modules continue across more than one semester. In this case it is often difficult to estimate whether it will really be possible to attend all courses assigned to the module. The definition of modules is down to the department offering the respective module.


What must I bear in mind if I want to register for a thesis?

The Examination Office can provide you with a registration form and can advise you on the procedure in person.

Please note that you should register with enough time to be able to keep the deadlines for submitting your thesis (6 months for the Master's thesis and 9 weeks for the Bachelor's thesis). You can allow at least three weeks for the processing of the application.

It is absolutely necessary to clarify in time with the examination office whether all necessary examination results are available or whether the required number of points has been achieved:

Bachelor MaWi: 138 LP

Bachelor WiIng MaWi: 103 LP in the field of MaWi and 35 LP in the field of business administration

Master MaWi: 74 LP

Master WiIng MaWi: 52 LP in the field of MaWi and 20 LP in the field of business administration

What is the wording for the declaration to be included in each thesis?

Theses written in German must include the following declaration:


Ich versichere, dass ich die Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit "Untersuchung wichtiger Dinge" selbständig und ohne unzulässige fremde Hilfe angefertigt habe und dass ich alle von anderen Autoren wörtlich übernommenen Stellen wie auch die sich an die Gedankengänge anderer Autoren eng anlehnenden Ausführungen meiner Arbeit besonders gekennzeichnet und die entsprechenden Quellen angegeben habe.

Mir ist bekannt, dass die unter Anleitung entstandene Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit, vorbehaltlich anders lautender Vereinbarungen, eine Gruppenleistung darstellt und in die Gesamtforschung der betreuenden Institution eingebunden ist. Daher darf keiner der Miturheber (z.B. Texturheber, gestaltender Projektmitarbeiter, mitwirkender Betreuer) ohne (schriftliches) Einverständnis aller Beteiligten aufgrund ihrer Urheberrechte auch Passagen der Arbeit weder kommerziell nutzen noch Dritten zugänglich machen. Insbesondere ist das Arbeitnehmererfindergesetz zu berücksichtigen in dem eine Vorveröffentlichung patentrelevanter Inhalte verboten wird.

Ort, Datum
Max Mustermann

Theses written in English must include the following declaration:

I declare that have produced the Bachelor’s thesis / Master’s thesis / Diploma thesis "Title of thesis" independently and without improper external assistance and that I have identified all word-for-word quotations of other authors, as well as comments based closely on other authors’ ideas, and I have listed the relevant sources.

I am aware that, unless agreed otherwise, the Bachelor’s thesis / Master’s thesis / Diploma thesis produced under supervision represents a group achievement and forms part of the overall research of the supervising institution. As a result, none of the co-authors (e.g. authors of text, creative project staff, co-supervisors) may use passages from the thesis for commercial purposes or make them accessible to third parties without the (written) approval of all those involved due to reasons of copyright. Particular note must be taken of the Arbeitnehmererfindergesetz (German Employee Invention Act), according to which pre-publication of patent-related content is prohibited.

Place, date
Name of candidate

Where do I hand my thesis in?

According to Section 11 Paragraph 6 of the Examination Procedure Regulations (PVO), final theses must be submitted to the responsible Examination Office in due time.

Outside the office hours of the Examination Office, it is possible to hand in the thesis in an envelope addressed to the Examination Office at the TF gate or in the deadline mailbox at the CAU administration building at the side entrance on the left (on the side of the entrance to the Post Office of CAU), which is for all deadline-bound students matters. The deadline mailbox contains two compartments that are automatically switched at midnight. The Post Office of CAU empties this deadline mailbox every day on weekdays. The in-house forwarding takes place via in-house mail. As soon as the deadline mailbox has been put into operation, delivery to the main gate is no longer possible or is only possible in exceptional cases (e.g. if the mailbox slot is too small for the documents).

The thesis can also be sent to the Examination Office by mail. In any case, an entry stamp or postmark is necessary to document that the item has been submitted on time. We therefore recommend a shipping method with proof of postage when sending by post.

It is also permissible to submit the thesis to the supervising chair. However, it must be ensured that the work or corresponding evidence to document timely submission is forwarded immediately to the Examination Office.

How many copies of a thesis are to be submitted?

Students who started their studies after 2016, please submit 2 printed copies and a digital version to the examination office. In addition, please submit a signed declaration that the printed version is the same as the digital version.

If you started your studies before 2016, please submit 3 printed copies to the examination office.

How long will it take to issue certificates?

According to Section 17 (1) of the Examination Procedure Regulations (PVO), graduates will receive their certificates no later than four weeks after the final grade has been determined.

Please note that the final grade cannot be determined until the Examination Office has received the grade for the last exam. The last exam is normally the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

Examiners at the Institute for Materials Science four weeks for the assessment of a thesis. Graduates must therefore allow up to two months until receiving their certificates and the associated documents.

Transcripts of Records

How do I request a Transcript of Records?

If you require a Transcript of Records, you can e-mail your request to the Examination Office or make an appointment.

If you are unable to collect your Transcript of Records from the Examination Office yourself, this may be done by a third party. Please note that we are only able to issue your document to a person instructed by you to collect it, if you provide that person with appropriate written authorisation and a copy of some form of signed photo identification (e.g. ID card) for the purpose of signature comparison.

How long does it take for the Examination Office to prepare a Transcript of Records?

Please allow a period of 3 working days until you can collect your Transcript of Records from the Examination Office.


How do I obtain a certificate of achievement for a BAföG (Student Financial Assistance Programme) application?

If you require a certificate of academic achievement for the BAföG Office’s “Form 5”, please inform the Examination Office.

On achieving the required number of ECTS credits for a positive certificate, you will receive an e-mail when the form can be collected.

If a positive certificate cannot be issued immediately due to certain requirements not being met, you will receive an e-mail asking you for further details. Then – by your request – an individual review will be carried out determining whether or not a positive certificate can be issued and this will be produced accordingly.

You will receive e-mail notification when the form can be collected from the Examination Office. If you are unable to collect your form yourself, this may be done by a third party. Please note that we are only able to issue your document to a person instructed by you to collect it, if you provide that person with appropriate written authorisation and a copy of some form of signed photo identification (e.g. ID card) for the purpose of signature comparison.

Changing degree programme or university, and recognition of achievements

How do I get admitted to a higher semester?

For this purpose you will need

  1. a Transcript of Records and
  2. the Anrechnungsbescheinigung form (in German), which you can find here

Submit the completed form together with your Transcript of Records to the Chairperson of the Examination Board

who will be responsible for you in the future.


How do I apply for recognition of coursework and examinations?

Please submit your completed application for recognition of coursework and examinations, together with proof of previous academic achievements as noted on the application form, to the Examination Office. Your application will then be forwarded internally.

If your application is approved and all your listed coursework and examinations are recognised, you will receive an email informing you of this. If not all of your named coursework and examinations can be recognised, you will receive legally valid notification of this in writing. Your academic achievements will be entered into the examination administration system as quickly as possible by the Examination Office.

Please note that recognition is granted ex officio. This means that even coursework and examinations for which you have not applied for recognition, but which can be recognised for your degree programme, can be recognised.

Please allow at least two weeks for your application to be processed.

The transition from the Bachelor's degree programme in Materials Science to the Master's Degree programme in Materials Science and Engineering

I would like to follow on from my Bachelor's degree programme with a Master's degree programme. What do I have to do?

Please apply early for a Master's degree programme at the Department!

Please submit the following documents to the Service Center Office by 15 July - later applications are not being accepted:

  1. The application form, which can be found at: www.kielmat.com
  2. A CV in table format
  3. A statement of purpose
  4. A current overview of your grades (certified copy)
  5. If available, your degree certificate (certified copy)
  6. The annex to the application for registration: http://www.studium.uni-kiel.de/de/studium-organisieren/studienangelegenheiten/studiengangwechsel/ma-erstes-und-hoehere-fachsemester

If the Department makes a positive decision, you will receive your annex to the application for registration back at the end of August. This form is needed to register at the student secretariat.

If admission and/or registration occurs before the Bachelor's degree is complete, registration to the Master's degree programme is only provisional.

The student must provide evidence of the successfully completed degree by 10 December of the current year, or the provisional registration will expire!

What do I need if I am already registered as a Bachelor's student at the CAU, but I have withdrawn this registration and would now like to register for the Master's degree programme (succesful application to the Department has already taken place)?


You can register at the student secretariat, if you bring the following documents with you:

  1. The annex to the application for registration, signed by the Examination Office
  2. A copy of the degree certificate or provisional certificate (certified copy of the current overview of your grades)
  3. Your record of study (Studienbuch)
  4. Proof of payment of the semester fees
  5. The application for registration http://www.studservice.uni-kiel.de/doc/master_cau.pdf
  6. A pen ;-)


Further information you may obtain from the CAU website: http://www.studium.uni-kiel.de/de/bewerbung-einschreibung