The master's degree programme Materials Science and Engineering consists of 4 semesters and 120 ECTS points.
In the first two semesters there is a compulsory part in materials science to deepen your knowledge and skills in natural and material sciences. It focuses on the field of solid state physics, thermodynamics, kinetics, mathematics and of course advanced materials. Special focus is put here on modern functional materials.
Simultaneously, electives in all fields of activities of all lectures are offered. You can specialize in the first three semesters in materials science with at least 22 ECTS points and in business administration with at least 20 ECTS points. Both areas contain theoretical knowledge as well as practical experiences.
The fourth semester is reserved for the master thesis, which can be written at the university, at a company or an affiliated research institute.
The following chart shows all compulsory modules and the blocks for the elective modules for this master course. Beneath this all compulsory and most of the elective modules are listed with further information.
Additional and detailed information about the modules can be found at the web pages of the service center.