Bachelor Materials Science

Program Profile

      Bachelor Materials Science  
  Start   Every Winter Term (October)  
  Duration of the Bachelor's Program   6 Semesters (3 Yeras)  
  Admission Requirements   None at present  
  Size of the Study Program   approx. 40 fellow students  
  Major Subject of Studies   Understand and evaluate materials for specific issues.  
  Career Prospects   very good  
  Special Features   Very good support, practice-oriented, familiar study environment  

Program Structure

The program is divided into six semesters and normally begins in the winter semester. A winter semester and the following summer semester constitute an academic year. One academic year corresponds to one calendar year in terms of scope, each semester thus to half a calendar year. The winter semester runs from October 01 to March 31. The summer semester runs from April 01 to September 30.

Within the semesters there are lecture periods and lecture-free periods; there are no semester breaks.
The lecture periods usually comprise 15 weeks. Most of the compulsory courses take place during these periods. However, it can also happen that, for example, an practical course is offered during the lecture-free period. Practical courses, theses, etc. are usually not subject to the semester cycle. They can therefore be started at any time.

The accredited Bachelor's program is a modularized program, i.e. the program is divided into a series of modules. Each module is a thematically self-contained teaching unit and is examined during the course of study. After successful completion of all modules, the bachelor's degree program is concluded with a bachelor's thesis. The final grade of the course is made up of all individual grades.


Bachelor Materials Science


In the first year of study, the mathematical-scientific and technical foundations are laid in chemistry, physics and mathematics. In the lectures and exercises, the theory is taught and in the accompanying practical courses you will experience its practical implementation in the laboratory.

In the second year of study, the knowledge gained from the basics is combined to form ""one materials science"". In addition to the interdisciplinary theory, you will learn about the different classes of materials. In the laboratory practicals you will deepen your competence for independent scientific work. In addition, there is a non-technical elective area in which you can, for example, acquire business or language skills or learn communication and presentation skills.

In the third year of study, materials science is further deepened and knowledge of the individual classes of materials is broadened. In materials analysis, the theoretical and practical knowledge in this area is used to be able to carry out a comprehensive characterization of known and unknown materials.

Finally, in the job-oriented practical phase in industry or research, you apply your knowledge, competencies and skills in a real working environment. While the focus here is primarily on the practical aspect of the course, the interdisciplinary theory comes into its own in a final bachelor's thesis.


Timetable and univis

A course of study is given a timetable at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, just like at school. However, you should by no means compare the offer with it. While at school the timetable is binding and all-encompassing, at the university it is only a list of offers and possibilities. You are responsible for choosing the necessary or even interdisciplinary content.

The range of courses on offer is published in the CAU's univis in good time for the start of the semester.

From this you can put together your individual schedule for the semester.


Lab Courses

Materials science is expanded and deepened step by step in each semester during the course of the bachelor's degree program. Accompanying the contents of the theory, we offer them suitable lab courses every semester. The lab courses are organized centrally by the service center or, if necessary, imported from other subjects.


Fachprüfugsordnung und Modulhandbuch

To ensure that a degree program runs according to a plan that is feasible for you, there are subject examination regulations ("Fachprüfungsordnung", FPO) for each one. All essential aspects of a study program are summarized in these and officially issued by the CAU in the form of a statute that is binding for all.

In the FPO you will find the curriculum, the course plan for your studies. All modules are listed there with their credit points and forms of examination. The curriculum gives a recommendation as to when which modules should be heard in the course of study, so that it comes to a consistent and purposeful study everyday.
The FPO is supplemented by the module handbook. In this, all modules are described in detail. There you will find, among other things, information about the goals and contents, the types of courses and the types of examinations. You can also find out which competencies and skills you have acquired after successful completion of the module.

Links to the subject examination regulations and the module handbook can be found on the pages of the examination office.

A detailed explanation of the rules in the subject examination regulations of materials science can be found on the pages of the online tutorial.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team at the Service Center.



The examination regulations ("Prüfungsverfahrensordnung", PVO) of the CAU regulate the basic principles for examinations within the study program in a binding manner for all subjects and study programs. All must adhere to these fundamentals when creating their subject examination regulations.

The PVO gives you an overview of the procedure for examinations and their evaluation. However, you will also find regulations for the compensation of disadvantages in the case of handicaps or special life situations.
The PVO is supplemented by special regulations in the FPO, if these do not contradict the PVO.

A link to the Examination Procedure Regulations can be found on the page of the CAU Presidential Board.

A distilled explanation for Material Science courses can be found in the online tutorial for these.

Examinations take place in the examination periods at the end and beginning of the lecture periods.
For this purpose, you must register bindingly online in the CAU portal or in writing in the examination office during the registration periods.

The registration and examination periods are set and published centrally by the university for (almost) all subjects.

In due time before the registration period, an examination schedule for the courses of Material Science is published on the pages of the Examination Office, which contains all examinations with their examination date, time and room.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team at the Service Center.


 Final Documents and Title

Once you have successfully passed your last compulsory module and its grade has been received by the Examinations Office, your graduation documents will be issued (regardless of when in the semester). Within four weeks you should be notified that you can pick them up.
You will receive a certificate, a transcript of records showing all modules required and passed for graduation, and a transcript of records showing all modules passed at CAU.

Upon successful completion of the bachelor's degree program, you will hold the title of "Bachelor of Science". In addition, you will receive the German title of an "Ingenieurin" or "Ingenieur".
After graduation, you can either move directly into industry or attend our international, accredited, English-language master's program. With the master's degree, you are ideally prepared for the international job market.
If you want to stay in research, there is of course the possibility for you to pursue a scientific career through a doctorate.

But before you take your next step, we cordially invite you to a farewell ceremony. This traditionally takes place in November. You will receive an invitation to your farewell ceremony together with your graduation documents.



Even if you leave the university with your bachelor's degree, we would like to stay in touch with them.
The CAU Alumni Association offers them a platform for networking and reminiscing.


Any More Questions?

If you still have questions or would like to visit our department, please contact us or email our academic advisor and program coordinator, Dr. Oliver Riemenschneider.

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