Your Start of Study with Us
You will have a particularly relaxed start to your studies if you begin planning them early and consider some important points, which we have compiled for you below.
Enrollment in the degree programs
The courses of study are not subject to admission restrictions, i.e. free admission. You can therefore study with us if you can present a university entrance qualification, e.g. in the form of a passed Abitur. Please note the enrollment deadlines, which you can find here for the current academic year.
Important: You can enroll online. In order to avoid delays, please inform yourself comprehensively about the steps to be taken and the documents to be submitted.
We strongly advise you to enroll as early as possible. This way, you will benefit from the advantages of your student status from the very beginning, in particular:
- free or discounted software
- Discounts on local transportation and throughout the country (Semesterticket)
- Discounts at leisure facilities (cinema, museums, clubs & bars)
Pre-semester offers
Your studies begin with the voluntary offers before the actual first semester. We strongly recommend that you participate. In addition to brushing up on subject-related content, you will have the chance to learn a lot about your studies and These include in particular:
- the online mathematics bridge course,
- the preliminary course in school mathematics (registration by mail, please note the registration deadline!)
- the study introduction week - registration via OLAT after successful enrollment in the study program.