Functional Nanomaterials Chair

Dr. Martina Baum

Visiting Researcher

Kaiserstraße 2, R. A-228

Dr. Martina Baum


From 2014 (January) Post-Doc position at the department of Functional Nanomaterials at the Institute for Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kiel, Germany. The current research is focused on the interactions at the interface between macro-to-micro materials with biological entities, from single proteins and bacteria to the complex community of marine organisms. The central research question is which material and surface properties of our materials are relevant for adsorption and adhesion of biological molecules and organisms. The main focus is on the development of environmentally friendly alternatives for antifouling-coatings for ships and maritime buildings.



Coatings on the „African Forest“ a ship owned by Reederei Rörd Braren Bereederungs-GmbH & Co. KG after two years of on duty on route between Belgium and Gabon. a) Conventional self-polishing antifoulingcoating, containing biocids with attached marine organisms and strong signs of biocorrosion.b) Test area with innovative CSP Polyramik before and after cleaning by hand with a brush. The attached marine organisms were easily removed without any signs of biocorrosion.



Foto/Copyright: Martina Baum,  CAU

2009 (August) till 2013 (November), PhD-thesis at the department of Functional Morphology and Biomechanics at the Zoological Institute, University of Kiel, Germany.

The title of the PhD-Thesis was „Frictional properties of snake and snake-inspired microstructured polymer surfaces“. Within this study the tribologically optimized frictional system "snake" was characterized by the examination of the micro-structures of single snake scales and ventral body regions by SEM. By friction measurements of original snake skin and polymeric replica the influence of these micro-structures in contact with different substrates was examined. The aim of this study was on the one side to get deeper understanding of the physical phenomena friction at biological surfaces and on the other side to transfer the gained knowledge of the biological system to technical surfaces under mechanical stress.

2009 (March-June) researcher at Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research.

2009, graduated as a Technical Biologist (Diploma degree) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany (diploma thesis, “Comparative study of the ultrastructure of the slippery zone in nine carnivorous Nepenthes species”, realized at the Evolutionary Biomaterials Group at the Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research Stuttgart, Germany).


Research areas:

  • Ceramic particles and polymer composite modifications to reduce biofouling.


  • Interactions of proteins, pro- and eukaryotic cells with semiconductor nano- and microparticles


  • Biotribology



Scientific career:


May 2018, winning together with Dr. Iris Hölken from Phi-Stone AG the second price of the Innovations-Transfer-Award 2018 of the Werner-Petersen-Foundation in Schleswig-Holstein (trophy money 15.000.- €).




For their research in the area of environmentally-friendly alternatives for antifouling coatings Dr. Iris Hölken (Phi-Stone AG, 3. From the left) and Dr. Martina Baum (CAU, middle) the second Innovations-Transfer-Award.



Foto/Copyright: Jan Steffen, GEOMAR

From 2014, Post-Doc position at the department of Functional Nanomaterials at the Institute for Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kiel, Germany. The current research is focused on the characterization of the physical forces acting at the material/bio-interface to improve, e. g. the antifouling and fouling-release properties of polymer composites or to modify the interaction of proteins, pro- and eukaryotic cells with semi-conductor nano-micro particles.


2009-2013, PhD thesis "Frictional properties of snake and snake-inspired microstructured polymer surfaces“ at the department of Functional Morphology and Biomechanics at the Zoological Institute, University of Kiel, Germany.


2008-2009, Diploma thesis "Comparative study of the ultrastructure of the slippery zone in nine carnivorous Nepenthes species" at the Evolutionary Biomaterials group at the Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research Stuttgart, Germany.


2005-2006, Student research project, "Isolation of bovine Tom40 expressed in Escherichia coli" at the Institute of Biology, Biophysics Department at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.



Other interests:

  • Characterization of tribological and mechanical properties of biological composite materials and its implications on artificial tribo-systems.
  • Physico-chemical properties of zinc oxide micro-nano-particles in complex media



Peer-reviewed journals/journals & Proceedings

Postica, V., Vahl, A., Strobel, J., Santos-Carballal, D., Lupan, O., Cadi-Essadek, A., ... & Baum, M. (2018). Tuning doping and surface functionalization of columnar oxide films for volatile organic compound sensing: experiments and theory. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.


Qiu, H., Hölken, I., Gapeeva, A., Filiz, V., Adelung, R., & Baum, M. (2018). Development and Characterization of Mechanically Durable Silicone-Polythiourethane Composites Modified with Tetrapodal Shaped ZnO Particles for the Potential Application as Fouling-Release Coating in the Marine Sector. Materials, 11(12), 2413. 


Gapeeva, A., Hölken, I., Adelung, R., & Baum, M. (2017). Characterization of a polydimethylsiloxane-polythiourethane polymer blend with potential as fouling-release coating. In Nanomaterials: Application & Properties (NAP), 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference (pp. 01FNC08-1). IEEE.


Hölken, I., Neubüser, G., Postica, V., Bumke, L., Lupan, O., Baum, M., ... & Adelung, R. (2016). Sacrificial template synthesis and properties of 3D hollow-silicon nano-and microstructures. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 8(31), 20491-20498.


Hölken, I., M. Hoppe, Y. K. Mishra, S. N. Gorb, R. Adelung, and M. J. Baum. (2016). Complex shaped ZnO nano-and microstructure based polymer composites: mechanically stable and environmentally friendly coatings for potential antifouling applications. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18:7114–7123.



Hölken, I., Hoppe, M., Adelung, R., Baum, M. "Functional Ecofriendly Coatings for Marine Applications." 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering. Springer Singapore, 2016a.


Baum M. J., Heepe L., Fadeeva E. and Gorb S. N. (2014) Dry Friction of the Microstructured Polymer Surfaces Inspired by Snake Skin. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 5, 1091–1103.


Baum M. J., Kovalev A. E., Michels J. and Gorb S. N. (2014) Anisotropic Friction of the Ventral Scales in the Snake Lampropeltis getula californiae Tribology Letters 54, 2, 139-150.


Baum M. J., Heepe L., Gorb S. N. (2014) Friction behavior of a microstructured polymer surface inspired by snake skin. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2014, 5, 83–97.                                        HTML-version:


Gorb E. V., Baum M. J. and Gorb S. N. (2013) Development and regeneration ability of the wax coverage in Nepenthes alata pitchers: a cryo-SEM approach. Scientific Reports 3 : 3078.



Barnes W. P. J., Baum M. J., Peisker H. and Gorb S. N. (2013) Comparative Cryo-SEM and AFM Studies of Hylid and Rhacophorid Tree Frog Toe Pads. Journal of Morphology 274, 12, 1384-1396.


Gorb, S.N., Baum, M. J., Purtov, J., Jacky, N., Gorb, E., Rengarajan, G. T., Volf, A. und Steinhart, M. (2012). Gefahr in der Gleitzone: Hierarchische antiadhäsive Oberflächen durch Nachahmung von Insektenfallen. labor&more 7, 26-32.                           HTML-Version:


Benz, M. J., Kovalev, A. E., Gorb, S. N. (2012). Anisotropic frictional properties in snakes. Proc. of SPIE 8339. (DOI 10.1117/12.916972).


Benz, M. J., Gorb, E. V. & Gorb, S. N. (2012) Diversity of the slippery zone microstructure in pitchers of nine carnivorous Nepenthes taxa. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 6,147–158.


Press Releases:

Press release of Kiel University Nr. 153/2018, 18.05.2018 with the title: “Beide Innovations-Transfer-Preise 2018 der Werner-Petersen-Stiftung gehen an Forschende der Uni Kiel - Entwicklung medizinischer Implantate und umweltfreundlicher Schiffsanstriche ausgezeichnet“

Telecast at NDR on 02.01.2018, 19.30 Uhr at the Schleswig-Holstein Magazin; „Umweltfreundliche Schiffsfarbe entwickelt - Einem Kieler Forscherteam ist es gelungen, eine ungiftige Schiffsfarbe zu entwickeln. Sie ist so glatt, dass Meeresorganismen - wie die Seepocke - kaum Halt darauf finden.“

Transregional newspaper article in Süddeutsche Zeitung at 01.12.2017, „Forscher entwickeln umweltfreundliche Schiffsbeschichtung“

Diverse articles in regional newspapers, e. g. Kieler Nachrichten „Preis für Schiffsanstrich ohne Gift - Kieler Nanoforscher wurden in China für ihre Entwicklung ausgezeichnet“ am 02.12.2017, oder SHZ am 05.12.2017, „Ein Anstrich, der sich sehen lassen kann

Pressemitteilung der CAU Nr. 383/2017 vom 01.12.2017; „Aus dem Labor ans Schiff: Biofouling umweltfreundlich beseitigen - CAU und uninahe Ausgründung entwickeln gemeinsam Beschichtung gegen die Ansiedelung von Organismen

NDR-Radio emission, in Wissenschaftsmagazin, 12.09.2016; „Umweltfreundlicher Schifflack“

Professional article in „Hansa International Maritime Journal“, Supplement Coatings 03/2017, title: „Going without biocides“

Podcast produced by Beilstein.TV (Beilstein-Instituts zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften) with the title "Anisotropic frictional properties of snake skin" published at 01.07.2015.

Press release of the Kiel University Nr. 226/2014, 16.07.2014 with the title "Schlangenhaut gegen den Verschleiß".

Interview with the „Ingenieursdienstleisters Ferchau“ with the title "Eine Haut für alle Fälle", published at 08.01.2015.