9.2 Bulk Crystals

9.2.1 GaAs

Basic Properties

Producing GaAs crystals must starts with a consideration of its phase diagram.
Here it is. It is already sufficient to show that there is only a very small region where you can get solid and stoichiometric GaAs, essentially a line. Small deviations to the left or right will produce some liquid encasements - right after solidification and sone Ga or As related defects after complete solidification.
Phase diagram OfGaAs
  If you think you could avoid or a least minimize those defects (that cannot possibly be good for a device) by melting a perfect 50 : 50 mix of Ga and As, you must think again. Ga will start to evaporate out of your mix as soon as it melts, changing the compositions. and son on.....
The message should be clear: It is far more difficult to produce a defect-free GaAs crystal than it is possible for Si. It is actually impossible. And that is true for all compound semiconductors.
  The problems with III-V technology start right here!
    --- To be continued (or possibly not) ---

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© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)