Commercial Poly-Silicon Specifications

Here are the specification for poly-silicon from one of the worlds largest suppliers, Wacker Siltronic as they appear in the Internet in Nov. 2000.
Notice: The "w " or "a" behind the concentration denotes w eigth or atomic parts per m = million, b = billion , t = trillion.
Wacker poly-Si specifications
Here some productio information:
According to "Solid State Technlogy" July 2005, the productio numbers are as follows:
  • Total production 2005: 26.000.000 kg; about 2/3 for miocroelectronics, 1/3 for photovoltaics.
  • Expected production 2006: 29.000.000 kg.
Expected shortfalls:
  • 2005: 4.000.000 kg
  • 2006: 6.000.000 kg.
  • 2007: 12.000.000 kg.
  • 2008: 20.000 000 kg.
The expected shortfalls result to a large extent from a growthrate of 30 % for photovoltaics and from technical and financial difficulties to crank up püroduction at a high reate. However, alternative processes solar Si production are expected to come on-line in 2006.

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© H. Föll (Electronic Materials - Script)