Windows Profile

Windows Profile - Compare Mechanism

Your home directory (U: \) contains a folder called profile.v6 for Windows 10 / Windows 2019 (in Windows 7 it was called profile.v2). This contains Windows settings and certain Windows folders such as Documents, Desktop, Downloads etc. With each logon to the Windows domain "TF" the computer compares the contents of this folder with the local folder C:\Users\<your username> and the local folder will be updated. By logging off, the local folder with all its content is copied to the home directory U:\.


Please save as little data as possible in these folders (Documents, Desktop, Downloads etc.) to minimize login and logout times. It is best to save your data directly in the home directory U:\.

Turn off the Compare Mechanism

For Lab PC or if the logon process takes too much time or other errors occur permanently, it may be advisable to turn off the compare mechanism. It works like this:

  1. Start -> Run gpedit.msc with explicit administrator rights (right click -> run as administrator)
  2. Navigate to Computerkonfiguration -> Administrative Vorlagen -> System -> Benutzerprofile (english: Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> User Profiles).
  3. Enable here: Nur lokale Benutzerprofile zulassen (english: Allow local user profiles only).
Keep in mind that local data is lost when e.g. the hard disk C: is damaged. Therefore, important data should always be stored in the network!