Microsoft Bundesvertrag

This agreement allows the CAU, after payment of an annual 6 digits flat rate by the CAU with the participation of the faculties, free upgrades to current Windows operating systems (desktop and server), MS Office use and various (but not all) server connection licenses. The software is rented, not bought. The contract period is always one year. Because the operating system license is an upgrade, too, a so-called Basic License is required (see Glossary). The activation of the software is effected via the KMS service of the computing center of the CAU (KMS-Server see Glossary).

This agreement with Microsoft contains free use of....

  • Windows Enterprise Upgrade / Windows Education Upgrade
  • Office Professional Plus und Office für Mac
  • Core CAL Suite, bestehend aus den folgenden Client-Zugriffslizenzen:
    • Windows Server CAL
    • Sharepoint Standard CAL
    • Exchange Standard CAL
    • System Center Configuration Manager Client Management License
More Information at the Website of the Computing Center: Link


For upgrading the Windows operating system, a so-called basic license must be owned (see glossary). For activation of Windows or Office, the KMS-Server of the computing center of Kiel University must be used (see glossary too, where you can even find hints about how to use the KMS-Server).

The software is rented, not bought. The contract period is always one year. The software use is permitted on faculty computers only.

Activation of Office and Windows - short instructions

Activation takes place via the KMS server of the Computer Centre of CAU

  1. Instructions:
  2. Choose Windows or Office
  3. Follow "Manuelle Aktivierung"
  4. Start CMD window as administrator and then execute the two to three commands shown.
  • If an activation is not successful, try to enter a KMS Client Setup Key (Windows 7/8/10/2012) resp. Windows 10/11, Server 2016/2019/2022) that matches your version of Windows under "System Control -> System -> Change Product Key". After reboot, Windows should be activated.
  • If the key from the paragraph above cannot be entered, please open a command line as administrator and enter the key in the following form (for <KMS-KEY> enter the key from the link above): slmgr.vbs /ipk <KMS-KEY>


Activating all Windows Versions in cmd-Window (opened as administrator):

  1. slmgr.vbs -skms
  2. slmgr.vbs /upk
  3. slmgr.vbs –ipk <corresponding KMS-Key from Microsoft Website>
  4. slmgr.vbs -ato


Installing Windows 10 / 11

There are these things to consider when installing Windows 10/11:

  1. Skip the input of the installation key. If problems arise, a so-called KMS key can be specified, if later activated via the KMS server of the Computing Centre CAU (see above) (KMS client setup key (in german).
  2. No Microsoft account is required. If asked for giving in your Microsoft-Account choose "Sign-In Options / domain join instead." Enter a local account then.
  3. At setup, three pulldown-menues are shown with locale settings. Here, when i.e. "english" is choosen in one of the menues, it may be, that Windows sets up the incorrect time zone. Then, an activation with KMS does not work. Please control the time and the time zone.
  4. If not yet activated, read the paragraph above.


IT Officer

The users get the software via the respective IT officer (german: ITB, IT-Beauftragter) of the various institutes:

  • Institute of Materials Science: Peter Sommer
  • Institute of Electrical and Computer Engineering: N.N.
  • Central IT administration of TF: Christian Newe


The IT Officer may entrust the management and installation of the software on an employee of the Working Groups.

More information on the side of the computing center under "rent" ("Miete") .