WLAN / Wi-Fi

Automatic installation wizard

  1. To connect to the CAU-wide WLAN, please download the CAU data center's installation assistant. You can choose a specific wizard for each operating system (laptops and smartphones) (under "Choose a different installer / einen anderen Installer wählen").
  2. After starting, enter the ID of a CIM account that is enabled for WLAN access, e.g. sutde12345. The ending '@uni-kiel.de' is already given. This results in the username sutde12345@uni-kiel.de. The connection is set up with the associated password.
  3. The login data will be saved and a connection will be established automatically from then on.
  4. Further manual settings are usually not necessary. Information on troubleshooting can be found at the CAU Computing Center.


Further Notices

The WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network; often synonymously called "WiFi") at the Faculty of Engineering is part of the campus-wide WLAN network "Eduroam". The accounts for Eduroam are managed in the computer center of the CAU (and not at the TF). Employees and students receive the access data automatically from the computer center after the contract has been processed or after matriculation.

The configuration of eduroam usually works automatically on notebooks and smartphones. But two points should be noticed:

  • The username is <cau-shortname>@uni-kiel.de. There is no mail or email in the username!
  • The password is given by the data center (see above).


If you have problems, please see these instructions.

Guests at the TF

Guests who do not have a regular contractual relationship with the CAU and therefore do not have an Eduroam account automatically created can obtain an Eduroam account in two ways:

  • By submitting an application to the computing center. In the registration forms, fill out "No. 1 - New or additional services" and sent it to the Computing Center (via internal mail "Hauspost").
  • Via the IT Group of the TF. We can set up guest accounts with a maximum term of 30 days.


Using a notebook / laptop

When using a notebook or laptop, for security reasons please ensure that the following programs are up-to-date:

  • Operating System (automatic updates turned on)
  • Virus scanner
  • Browser (i.e. Firefox, Chrome) and their plugins and AddOns.


Deleting WiFi ProfileFirst troubleshooting

Sometimes Windows laptops can not connect, although the eduroam is visible and it had worked earlier. With some luck, the following trick, deleting the saved WiFi Profile, will help:

  • Open command line window with: Start -> Run -> cmd
  • type: netsh wlan show profiles. This displays all stored wlan profiles. One of them is called "eduroam".
  • type: netsh wlan delete profile name="eduroam"

Then restart the WiFi device once. Now the Eduroam should ask for giving in the access data and should work.