Connection Profiles

There are two connection profiles through two different configuration files. When connecting, select the appropriate profile.


Should be used to connect to shares of your workgroup-server (e.g. your profile, specific workgroup-shares) as well as to connect to campus websites that usually could be reached only from within the faculty (e.g. publications research in university library).

Technical view: Every access to university-IPs ( is transfered through the VPN-tunnel. DNS requests are answered by the faculty's DNS-Servers.


Should be used by those members of the faculty that are travelling and that need to connect to the internet through unknown/untrusted accesspoints (e.g. in hotels, airports, foreign universities). In addition it can be used to connect to non-campus websites that only could be reached from within the faculty (e.g. publications research on third-party supplier's sites).

Technical view: Every access to IPs not being member of your LAN is transfered through the VPN-tunnel. DNS requests are answered by the faculty's DNS-Servers.


Download config-files as zip-file. Copy these unpacked (!) with administrator privileges to %ProgramFiles%\OpenVPN\config (see Installation Steps).