Acquisition of literature from the outside
Inter-library loan
Via inter-library loan books and copies of journal articles which are not available in any library in Kiel can be ordered. Supplied will be from library to library. Requirements are a valid borrower's card and some time.
- Website of the Main Department concerning inter-library loan
- Here you can find a short introduction to inter-library loan.
Chargeable document delivery services
Chargeable document delivery services (e.g. subito) are faster but also more expensive than inter-library loan.
Waiting time and prices are different depending on user group, the delivery date and the delivery format. Mostly a registration at the provider is necessary.
- Website of the Main Department concerning chargeable document delivery services
Notice for the scientific staff of the Faculty of Engineering: The Engineering Branch Library handles document delivery for you. If required please contact us.
In-house document delivery service
All employees of Kiel University (CAU) as well as of the affiliated institutions can use the University internal document delivery service free of charge. Students can also order if they are integrated into a university or affiliated institution during their diploma / bachelor / master or doctoral thesis and have an office address.
- To the in-house document delivery service (in german only)