Access to the Master's degree program WiIng ET&IT


BewerbungThe Master's degree program in Electrical Engineering and Buiness Administration (WiIng ET&IT) is an admission-free program without numerus clausus (NC). Enrollment in the Master's degree program in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration is possible for both the winter semester and the summer semester.

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program Electrical Engineering and Business Administration at Kiel University are admitted to the program without any further professional requirements. The Student Services of Kiel University informs you on its pages about the procedure of enrollment for graduates of Kiel University.

Graduates of other Bachelor's degree programs at Kiel University as well as graduates of other universities have to prove their professional suitability by a certificate of the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering. In order to obtain this certificate, you must submit the required documents listed below to the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering. Different deadlines and procedures apply to different groups of prospective students. However, the same documents must be submitted by all prospective students. If you have been certified as qualified, you can enroll in the Master's degree program. Please follow the instructions of the Student Services regarding the enrollment procedure for graduates of Kiel University and the enrollment procedure for graduates of other universities.


Procedure and deadlines for the assessment of professiona suitability

The following applies to prospective students with educational qualifications (Bachelor's degree is relevant) from outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA):

  • For this degree program you apply centrally via the uni-assist service center in Berlin. Please follow the instructions of the International Center regarding the application procedure via uni-assist. Please note that this course is partly offered in German and proof of German language skills is required. If your documents have been received by uni-assist completely and on time and have been checked by uni-assist, we will receive them via the International Center of Kiel University in order to determine your professional suitability for the Master's degree program.
  • For admission to the summer semester 2024 , submission of the documents to uni-assist was possible 15 January 2024.
  • For admission to the winter semester 2024/25, submission of the documents to uni-assist is possible by 15 July 2024.


The following applies to prospective students with an educational qualification (Bachelor's degree is relevant) within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA):


Documents required for the assessment of professional suitability

The following documents are required for the assessment of professional suitability:

  • Your Bachelor's degree certificate or - if the degree certificate is not yet available - an official transcript of records. The respective document must contain the titles of the successfully completed modules and the grades achieved and should include information on the scope of the individual modules, for example in the form of credit points.
  • The module catalogue belonging to the your Bachelor's degree program or a comparable document showing the time frame, forms of teaching, teaching content and learning objectives of the individual modules. If your university does not provide a module catalogue, you can compile this information yourself. In this case, however, it must be clearly recognisable that your document is not an official one, but one you have created yourself.
  • Proof of sufficient English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), e.g. through a TOEFL®IBT (at least 72 points), Cambridge Proficiency, Oxford Higher Certificate, International Certificate Conference ICC Stage 3 (Technical) or IELTS (at least 6.0 points).
Bio-inspired Computation

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Steinkühler

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Stephan Pachnicke
Computational Electromagnetics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Ludger Klinkenbusch
Digital Signal Processing and System Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt
Information and Coding Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Peter A. Höher
Integrated Systems and Photonics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken
Microwave Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Michael Höft

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt
Networked Electronic Systems

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Robert Rieger
Power Electronics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Marco Liserre
Theoretical Electrical Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Trieschmann