BAföG Information


BAföG - the Studentenwerk provides support and advice

If you are applying for BAföG for the first time or if questions arise during the course of the semester, contact the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein. There you will find all deadlines and dates and the application forms for download. With the provided web links, you are encouraged to transmit your BAföG-application online.


BAföG Officers of the Institute

  • Michael HoeftBAföG Officer:
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Höft

  • Deputy BAföG officer:
    Prof. Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt


Further Details

Fixed ECTS threshold

If a student has obtained

  • at least 40 ECTS credits after the third semester,
  • at least 60 ECTS credits after the fourth semester,
  • at least 80 ECTS credits after the fifth semester


then it can be assumed without further examination that the student's course of study is within the usual range.

Individual checks

If a student has fallen below the above thresholds, the BAföG Officer will make an individual assessment at technical level of whether the course of study can still be certified as "usual". For this purpose, the student is requested to present in writing that he or she is pursuing his or her studies in a goal-oriented manner. The statement can, for example, be supplemented by certificates of completed exercises, offered in some basic modules like Mathematics, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, and so on. The student should also present the reports from Basic Laboratory Electrical Engineering. In particular, proofs of voluntary efforts (e.g. completed exercises) should be attached.

Furthermore, the BAföG Officer will check the structured course of studies on the basis of an examination overview prepared by the Examination Office. This can be done, for example, on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Are there regular registrations for module examinations and have the examinations also been taken?
  • Has a large part of the basic subjects such as Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics for Engineer Science, Physics for Engineers, Computer Science, etc. been completed?
  • What is the range of grades within the modules passed?


If necessary, the BAföG Officer may request a discussion with the student to clarify the overall situation.

If necessary, the BAföG Officer will hold a discussion with the student to clarify the overall situation. On the basis of the ECTS achieved and the above individual evaluation of the study situation, a "normal" course of study can still be certified if the student falls moderately below the ECTS threshold, but has convincingly presented his or her further study plan. In other cases, this will not be certified. The student may then be advised to apply for a postponement of the performance evaluation at the BAföG Office and, if applicable, to assert existing personal reasons for not reaching the usual level according to §15(3) at the BAföG Office.

Bio-inspired Computation

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Steinkühler

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Stephan Pachnicke
Computational Electromagnetics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Ludger Klinkenbusch
Digital Signal Processing and System Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt
Information and Coding Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Peter A. Höher
Integrated Systems and Photonics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken
Microwave Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Michael Höft

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt
Networked Electronic Systems

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Robert Rieger
Power Electronics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Marco Liserre
Theoretical Electrical Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Trieschmann