Introductory Project

The Introductory Project Electrical Engineering is a mandatory event for all first-semester students of the Bachelor's degree programs in Electrical and Information Engineering as well as Electrical Engineering and Business Administration. It is offered as a block course during the first week of the winter semester before the start of your regular courses. The regular lectures will start in the following week. In the winter semester 2023/24 the Introductory Project takes place during the week of 14.10. to 18.10.2024.

Within the scope of the Introductory Week, you will hear impulse lectures from various members of the Department, which will provide you with the necessary knowledge for building a microcontroller-based electronic system and some things about the research activities of the Department of Electrical and Information Engineerin. As is common in industry and academia, you will work in project teams.

You will get access to the enrollment via OLAT - search for "Studieneingangsprojekt (etit-313) - WS 23/24".



Bio-inspired Computation

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Steinkühler

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Stephan Pachnicke
Computational Electromagnetics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Ludger Klinkenbusch
Digital Signal Processing and System Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt
Information and Coding Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Peter A. Höher
Integrated Systems and Photonics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken
Microwave Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Michael Höft

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt
Networked Electronic Systems

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Robert Rieger
Power Electronics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Marco Liserre
Theoretical Electrical Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Trieschmann