Laboratory Courses

You have the opportunity to get a taste of laboratory air already in the first and second semester. The getlab format, which is docked to the lectures Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I + II, enables you in groups to practically investigate the phenomena presented theoretically in the lecture. Participation is voluntary.

Studierende beim Studieren

In the third semester you have to do the Basic Laboratory Electrical Engineering (GPET). The GPET consists of various experiments whose level increases gradually. Finally, you will design, manufacture and analyze electrical or electronic systems. You will present your results in the form of various written papers and in a short presentation. The GPET will be organized via OLAT. For more information about the GPET, please visit the corresponding pages of the Service Center organizing the lab course.

Within the framework of both bachelor's degree programs, you will also take part in advanced laboratory courses. Information on the different advanced laboratory courses can be found in the module catalogues and from the respective offering chairs. The number of advanced laboratory courses you have to attend varies individually. It depends on the degree program you have chosen and the version of the examination regulations you are studying according to. Further information on the number of required advanced practicals can be found accordingly in the Examination Regulations of the Bachelor's degree program in Electrical and Information Engineering and in the Examination Regulations of the Bachelor's degree program in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration.


Bio-inspired Computation

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Steinkühler

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Stephan Pachnicke
Computational Electromagnetics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Ludger Klinkenbusch
Digital Signal Processing and System Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt
Information and Coding Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Peter A. Höher
Integrated Systems and Photonics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken
Microwave Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Michael Höft

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt
Networked Electronic Systems

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Robert Rieger
Power Electronics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Marco Liserre
Theoretical Electrical Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Trieschmann