



Module catalogue

The study plans in the Examination Regulations for the Bachelor's degree program in Electrical and Information Engineering and in the Examination Regulations for the Bachelor's degree program Electrical Engineering and Business Administration provide an overview of the modules belonging to the degree programs. The modules are described in the module catalogue. The module descriptions shall in detail:

  • Comprehensively describe the objectives, content, and interrelationships in the degree program at the module and lecture level
  • Provide students with useful, binding information for planning their studies
  • Provide lecturers and other interested people with thorough insight into the design of the modules in the degree program



Below you will find the various module catalogues for the Bachelor's degree programs:












Course Dates

In UnivIS you will find the details of the courses of the different modules such as dates, rooms as well as lecturers. In UnivIS you can also create your personal timetable

Non-technical Modules

Students of the Bachelor's program Electrical and Informtion Engineering are obliged to take non-technical elective modules in the course of their studies in order to successfully complete their degree program. There is no such obligation for students of the Bachelor's degree program Electrical Engineering and Business Administration.


The Examination Regulations for the Bachelor's degree program Electrical and Informtion Engineering specify the total number of credit points that must be earned in non-technical compulsory elective modules. In the study plans, these credit points are usually divided among several non-technical modules, which are distributed over different semesters. It is not required that you adhere to this distribution and the suggested semester locations. To successfully complete your studies, it is only important that you have earned the required total number of credit points in non-technical compulsory elective modules at the end of your studies.

As a rule, non-technical modules are those of other faculties. There are exceptions to this rule. If a module of another faculty has a strong proximity in content to the modules of your degree program, it will not be recognized as a non-technical module. This may be the case, for example, with mathematics or physics modules. If in doubt, ask the responsible examination board chairperson in good time before attending a module whether it will be recognized as a non-technical module.

The Key Skills Center (Zentrum für Schlüsselqualifikationen, ZfS) offers a wide range of non-technical modules. There you will find modules that are explicitly opened by the various subjects for students of other subjects. With the consent of the responsible lecturer, you can also attend modules that are not generally open to students of other subjects via the Center for Key Qualifications. In such cases, please contact the lecturer in good time before the start of lectures and obtain her or his agreement. It makes sense to have a confirmation of your admission in text form - e.g. by e-mail. If you attend a module without the necessary registration or without the necessary consent of the lecturer, you will not be admitted to the corresponding examination.

StudentsTimely registration is required for many modules that can be taken as non-technical electives. The Key Skills Center also lists the applicable registration deadlines on its website regarding the registration procedure for the ZfS offerings. If you want to attend a module that is not generally open to students of other subjects via the ZfS, please inform yourself individually about the applicable registration procedure and the corresponding deadline.

Credit points are earned exclusively through the successful completion of modules, not through the completion of individual courses assigned to a module. If a module is composed of several courses, e.g. a lecture and a proseminar, you must therefore have successfully completed all partial achievements in order to acquire the credit points. Therefore, only complete modules can be recognized as non-technical elective modules. Please find out in good time which courses belong to the non-technical module you want to choose and whether it will be possible for you to complete the module. In some cases, a module spans more than one semester. In this case, it is often difficult to estimate whether all courses belonging to the module can actually be attended. The definition of modules is the responsibility of the respective offering institution.

GPET - basic laboratory electrical engineering


The module "etit-314 basic laboratory electrical engineering" (GPET) is aimed at students in the third semester of the bachelor's degree courses in electrical engineering and information technology as well as industrial engineering in electrical engineering and information technology. Minor students are also welcome.

Assuming appropriate preparation, the students deepen their theoretical knowledge through practical experience and independent development work. Keynote speeches provide them with suggestions for independent and group-based preparation.

Schedule and structure

µC-Aufbau auf Chassis

The GPET is constantly evolving. Therefore, participants should ensure that they only use up-to-date material. Due to anti-infection considerations - and because it is beneficial - the frontal content will be offered to you primarily online, while the lab work will be more face-to-face.

You can expect experiments or projects at different levels and the challenge of documenting your work precisely and in a way that is easy to understand by writing texts with scientific and technical content.

Safety introduction

Participation in the safety briefing is a prerequisite for participation in the GPET. Anyone who fails to do so will not be allowed to take part in the internship. The date for the safety briefing will be announced to the participants.

Organisation, information and sign up

You will receive all dates, documents and further information after registering in OLAT. In particular, students who want to take the GPET as a minor or students who want to repeat the GPET or only want to complete it in later semesters should register in advance in the OLAT instance so that they are fully informed.

Contact person

For questions and suggestions please contact the GPET coordinator Michael Meißer.


µC-Aufbau auf Chassis

You have the opportunity to get a taste of laboratory work in the first and second semester. The get-Lab format, which is docked to the lectures Basic Areas of Electrical Engineering I + II, enables you to practically track down the phenomena theoretically presented in the lecture in groups. Participation is voluntary. The locations and times of the get-Labs offered will be announced in the GET lectures. Enrollment is via the OLAT-instance of the GET-lectures.

Bio-inspired Computation

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Steinkühler

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Stephan Pachnicke
Computational Electromagnetics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Ludger Klinkenbusch
Digital Signal Processing and System Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt
Information and Coding Theory

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Peter A. Höher
Integrated Systems and Photonics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken
Microwave Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Michael Höft

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt
Networked Electronic Systems

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Robert Rieger
Power Electronics

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Marco Liserre
Theoretical Electrical Engineering

  • color_key Prof. Dr. Jan Trieschmann