Jul 18, 2022
EmpowerMINT Award for Karolin Krüger |
Karolin Krüger was one of the four winners of the EmpowerMINT awards this year. With this price our university aims to honour particular achievements by female students and female graduates in Mathematics, IT, Natural Sciences and Technology, known as the MINT subjects. Congratulations from the whole department. Karolin Krüger obtained the award for her master thesis on automatic evaluation of speech parameters which is very useful if one wants to monitor the impact on different speech therapies (e.g. for Parkinson patients) in a robust, reliable, and objective manner. She will continue with this topic (and extensions of it) as a PhD project at the DSS chair. Her statement: "The MINT sector - especially the technical area - still has so much potential and offers the opportunity to actively participate in research and progress. Already during my school days I was interested in the STEM subjects and therefore decided to study engineering. In electrical engineering and information technology, the knowledge learned can be put directly into practice and used in various areas of life for innovative solutions. I personally find applications in the medical context and interdisciplinary work very interesting and motivating." |