Chair of Nanoelectronics

Chair of Nanoelectronics


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Exciting new opportunities for future information technology arise from unconventional and novel electronic materials, nanoscale phenomena, and advanced processing technologies. However to exploit these properties control on an atomistic level is required. It is expected that with the trend of aggressive downscaling of commercial electronic devices into the nanoscale regime, quantum mechanical effects will become steadily more important.

This will lead to a change of paradigm, i.e., future nanoelectronic devices exploiting electron tunneling and/or spin transport will rely on the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics rather than on classical electrodynamics. In this context, new materials and material combinations are urgently required in order to develop tunnel junctions and novel transistors with enhanced functionalities and performance.

The Nanoelectronic group at CAU Kiel is focusing on medium term and long-term tasks, on emerging far-reaching concepts, and on issues of physics and technology, well ahead of the mainstream development of the nanoelectronic industry. The research area of the Nanoelectronic group is defined by three main pillars:

  1. New device concepts based on quantum phenomena,
  2. Interfacial studies and
  3. Novel fabrication routes.

For example, we explore multiferroic tunnel junctions based on complex oxide materials, superconducting junctions for quantum bits and lateral tunnel junctions. Our activities are embedded in the recently founded Collaborative Research Center SFB 855 on magneto-electric composites and heterostructures for medical sensor applications, as well as in the Focal Point of Support on “Nano Science and Surface Science” within Kiel University.

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