Chair of Power Electronics

MV Laboratory

Schleswig-Holstein is funding the construction of a medium voltage laboratory

The state is co-funding the construction of a medium voltage laboratory at the chair of power electronics from the “Landespgroamm Wirtschaft” (EFRE). This project follows the target to extend the research for the grid integration of renewable power plants to medium voltage, where already today all large plants are connected. With the availability of this infrastructure, it will be possible to investigate and solve problems in the actual electrical distribution grid. The laboratory will enable to test power electronics up to 10 kV AC and up to 1 MW power.

Technical Specifications:

Voltage Level (MV)

[2,4,6,8,10] kV

Voltage Level (LV)

400 V


1 MW

Maximum Current

1600 A

Cooling Power (liquid)

60 kW

Cooling Power (Air)

10 kW

MV Lab Layout

Layout of the MV Laboratory with experimental setups


This laboratory will be equipped with a Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) and a power amplifier in order to test power electronics prototypes under realistic conditions. The RTDS system and the power amplifier setup will enable the realization of extensive converter tests without affecting the real grid. The setup consists of:

  •  RTDS system (2 racks for a maximum of 360 single-phase nodes simulated)
  •  Medium Voltage connection of 10 kV
  •  Air conditioned room for power electronics converter testing
  •  AC power source
  •  DC Power source
  •  Electronic loads
  •  Voltage Source Converters


 RTDS configuration MV Lab

RTDS configuration for power converter testing


  • Our research is focused on the design of high efficient and reliable PWM-based power converter architectures (single-cell, multi-cell, multilevel), their modelling and control to exploit commercial as well as new power semiconductor devices with minimum over design.
    We develop controllers for electric drives and we are particularly skilled in the integration of renewable energy systems into the electric grid.
    Please discover our expertise looking to our recent projects.

    HEART - The Highly Efficient And Reliable smart Transformer
    Further Research Projects
