Chair of Power Electronics

DFG SPP 1984 - General Meeting 2023

Sep 27, 2023

Robust Control Design of Converter-Interfaced Resources in Hybrid Electricity Grids under Consideration of Harmonic Stability


The project general meeting was hosted by the chair of Power Electronics, Technical Faculty, in Kiel University, on September 20th and 21st 2023. This was the first general meeting, which was held in person. It was the great opportunity for researchers from different universities to meet and present the status of their work to other part of the team and discuss their points of interest face to face.

In the general meeting 2023, the professors and researchers from TU Dortmund, Uni Kassel, Uni Oldenburg, Uni Passau, Uni Freiburg, TU Berlin, PIK Potsdam, MPI Magdeburg, Uni Wuppertal, Forschungszentrum Jülich, BTU Cottbus, TU München, Uni Bremen, TU Darmstadt and of course from CAU Kiel have attended.

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  • Our research is focused on the design of high efficient and reliable PWM-based power converter architectures (single-cell, multi-cell, multilevel), their modelling and control to exploit commercial as well as new power semiconductor devices with minimum over design.
    We develop controllers for electric drives and we are particularly skilled in the integration of renewable energy systems into the electric grid.
    Please discover our expertise looking to our recent projects.

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