Lehrstuhl für Leistungselektronik

We believe in the power of science towards research and teaching to enhance the society bottom line. 
We do research in cooperation with industry, we believe in the importance of fully validating our findings through experimental work and when possible in publishing them to improve ourselves accepting the deep criticism of the international scientific community.
We do teaching believing in the importance of a fully theoretical analysis and motivating students towards a project-solving approach.

New High Speed Thermal Measurement System for Semiconductor Reliability Analysis


Industrial/Ph.D. Course in The Smart Transformer : Impact on the Electric Grid and Technology challenges

Feb 22-24, 2017 - Registration open now !! Industrial/Ph.D. Course

Zwei Studenten und eine Tasse Kaffee

The increasing connection of renewables and new loads is challenging the distribution grids. The Smart Transformer (ST), a power electronics-based transformer, can provide ancillary services to the distribution grids to support the grid management, in addition to the voltage adaptation.

The course consists of 50% lectures and 50% laboratory,

In Brief:

Theory covers - Power systems and smart grid basics; Smart transformer - defintion, topologies, control and communication; Hybrid grids - current challenges, New service capabilities with Smart transformer - like MV grid support and LV grid identification.

Lab covers - Modeling and control of Smart Transformers, new control possibiities, testing in a ST-fed microgrid by means of Control-Hardware-In-Loop (CHIL) and Power-Hardware-In-Loop (PHIL).

Find out more details on course contents, fee and registration contact details in this flyer here :  Industrial/Ph.D. Course

Problem Based Learning (PBL) at CAU:

To enable closer integration of teaching, research and practice, Prof. Marco Liserre with his experience of Problem Based Learning (PBL) method has successfully introduced the PBL model from Denmark to CAU. This method has been internationally recognized by Universities, researchers and students as an efficient teaching and learning method


Read More on PBL at CAU here: http://www.einfachgutelehre.uni-kiel.de/allgemein/pbl/

Latest News

ECCE - 2016 in Milwaukee, USA

This year Prof. Liserre and five PhD students of the chair visited the foremost technical conference and exposition around electrical and electromechanical energy conversion in Milwaukee, USA. The chair of power electronics published 8 papers in the field of power systems, reliability and wide bandgap power semiconductors.

Zwei Studenten und eine Tasse Kaffee


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