PROMOS scholarship programme

Zwei Studenten und eine Tasse Kaffee 




Semester scholarships and scholarships for work experience in all countries outside of the “ERASMUS zone” are awarded as part of the PROMOS programme (previously known as DAAD short-term scholarships). Funding takes place in all countries (including Europe) as part of the programme line for theses. The monthly scholarship amount is €300. For a few countries, like the USA, it is €400. In addition, a fixed travel sum is paid, ranging from €150 for neighbouring EU countries up to €1,950 for Central America. An average scholarship amounts to approx. €1,800. The minimum length of stay is 1 month for a thesis, 1.5 months for work experience and 3 months for a semester scholarship. Scholarships are awarded by a selection committee. Applications must be submitted by the application deadlines.

Application deadlines for all lines of funding


    1 March 2016 - funding as from 1 June 2016

    1 June 2016 - funding as from 1 September 2016

    15 October 2016 - funding as from 1 January 2017


Funding lines


    Semester scholarships (3 to 5 months)

    Short-term scholarships for a thesis (1 to 6 months)

    Work experience (6 weeks to 6 months)

    Travel grant for work experience (6 weeks to 6 months)



Application seminars offered by  International Centers

Download the PROMOS guidelines here hier


You can find detailed information on the website of the International Centers