3.2 The Internet

3.2.1 Google

To Google or not to Google?

The typical student nowadays, like the typical Professor and just about everybody else, when searching for whatever including literature, turns to Google or some other Internet Search Engine. What about it?
The answer is simple: It's OK - as long as it is not all you do!
Contrary to public opinion - there is information outside Google and even outside the Internet. Maybe in years to come, you will find all you need in the Net, but right now you don't.
To Google or not to Google is simply a question of efficiency (and experience). Googling will provide some information very fast, but not only may it be difficult to unearth the decisive bit of what you are looking for from all the junk, it simply may not be there.
Googling for serious information can be also frustrating because it will often link you to scientific journals and so on - which are password protected so you can't extract what you are looking for
Then there is one more point to be wary about: The links provided that do not lead you to scientific journals and so on will lead to information that has not been peer reviewed!
That does not mean that is inaccurate (behold the hyperscripts of AMAT!), but it may be doubtful, outright wrong, or intentionally misleading. The Internet, after all, is the forum for all the crack pots whose views of the world at large or specific subjects have been rejected by established organizations.
How can you tell if some interesting looking site has reliable information, or if something fishy might be there? By experience and by knowing already a lot about the topic - which is exactly what you do not have at present.

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© H. Föll (Matwis Seminar)