List of Abbraviations

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

CCT Continous Cooling transformation
abbr. Abbreviation
AMS Accelerator mass spectrometry
AHSS Advanced High Strength Steels
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
a.u. Arbitrary units
AFM Atomic force microscope
AFM Atomic force microscope
AFM Atomic force midcrsoscope
BH Bake hardening steel
BP Before present
BP Before Present time
bcc body centered cubic lattice
k Boltzmann's constant
BSI British Standard Intitute
BMD Bulk micro defect
BS Bull shit
CFC Carbon fiber composite
CFC carbon fiber composites
CNT Carbon Nano Tubes
CNT Carbon nanotube
CFP Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic
COM Center of Mass
COM Center of mass
CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition
CVD Chemical vapor deposition
CMP Chemical-mechanical polishing
CSL Coincidence site lattice
K Compression modulus
CTT Continous-Temperature-Transformation diagram
TDBT Critical temperature DTB
CB Current burst
CZ Czochralski grown crystal
DNA Desoxyribonucleic acid
DTA Differential Thermo Analysis
D Diffusion coefficient
DSC Displacement Shift Complete
DET Divorced eutectoid transformation
DP Dual phase steel
DBT Ductile to brittle transition
DBT Ductile-to-brittle (transition)
EDS Energy-dispersive spectroscopy
EDX Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
S Entropy
EN European Norm
fcc Face centered cubic
FZ Float zone crystal
GPa Gigapascals
GFC Glass fiber composites
GFC Glass fiber composites
GP zone Gunnier-Preston zone
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
hcp Hexagonal close packed
HRTEM High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope
HSD High strength and Ductility
HRTEM) High-resolution TEM
HSLA High-strength low-alloy
HSLA High-strength low-alloy
HSLA High-Strength Low-Alloy steel
HIP Hot isostatic pressure
IR Infrared
IC Integrated circuit
IQ Intelligence quotient
IF Interstitial free steel
Fe Iron
IS Isotropic steel
J Joule
ksi Kilopound per square inch
LED Light emitting diodes
LED Light Emitting Diode
L Liquid phase
ld Logarithm dualis
MCP Male Chauvinist Pig
MoA Master of Animals
MPa Megapascals; meaning
MG-Si Metallurgical grade Silicon
MA micro alloy steel
MEMS Micro Electronical and Mechanical Systems
MP Multi Phase
nm Nanometer
NMR Nuclear resonance tomography
OSF Oxidation induced stacking faults
ppb parts per billion
ppm parts per million
ppqt parts per quatrillion
ppt parts per trillion
PSB Persistent slip band
P-steel Phophorous steel
h Planck's constant
n Poisson's ratio
PET Positron Emission Tomography
psi Pounds per square inch
PPN Pre-Pottery Neolithic
PPNA Pre-Pottery Neolithic A
PPNB Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
PPNC Pre-Pottery Neolithic C
rpm Round per minute
rpm Rounds per minute
SEM Scanning Electron Microscope
SEM Scanning electron microscope
SEM Scanning electron microscope
SEM Scanning electron microscope
TEM Scanning electron microscope
STEM Scanning TEM
STEM Scanning Transmission electron microscope
STM Scanning Tunneling Microscope
kseg Segregation coefficient
G Shear modulus
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
k Ssegregation coefficient
SI Standard International system of units
SI Standard International units
SI System International d'Unites
TOE Theory of everything
TTT Time-Temperature-Transformation
TTT Time-Temperature-Transformation diagram
TRIP Transformation Induced Plasticity steel
TRIP Transformation-Induced Plasticity
A1 Transition temperature
TEM Transmission electron microscope
TEM Transmission electron microscopes
TEM Transmission electron microscope
SiHCl3 Trichlorosilane
STM Tunneling scanning microscope
TWIP Twinning Induced Plasticity
TWIP Twinning Induced Plasticity
RM Ultimate tensile strength
UHCS Ultra High Carbon Steel
UHCS Ultra-high carbon steel
UHV Ultra-high vacuum
UV Ultraviolet
UFO Unidentified Flying Object
HV Vickers hardness

© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)