Teaching Experience with Hyperscripts

General Remarks

First of all, at present (2001) there is not too much experience with the evolving Hyperscripts of AMAT - a few points, however, can be found in the link. In what follows we give a few first impressions:
Don't expect miracles! Students, like everybody else, are not too anxious to change their time-honored ways of doing things.
Most of them want to pass the exam with a minimum of effort.
Only some want to know more details or more about the subject matter while the course is taught.
Many, however, appreciate the reference system for several study subjects implicitly contained in Hyperscripts.
Providing much more information than absolutely needed for the exam thus is not always greeted with enthusiasm. And not everybody is hooked up to the Net all the time or has a notebook at his or her disposal.
Throwing a Hyperscript at the students, telling them that they now can learn the stuff by themselves, or flashing Internet pages at the wall, won't do much good.
A better way is to get the students involved in generating pages for the hyperscript, or to include good term papers - see below.
Be patient. Having Hyperscripts, writing Hyperscripts and using Hyperscripts is an intertwined process that needs time to evolve to an optimal system.

Student Involvement

There are several good reasons to involve students and teaching assistants in the production of Hyperscripts:
They may be fluent in HTML, JAVA and the like - you probably always will have a few in any course who are far better at this than you.
They get used to the medium. For example, if they write their term paper in HTML they use automatically the Internet for researching the topic.
They demonstrate by their results what seems to be important to them and where they have problems.
Teaching assistants usually know much better than the professor which topics are "difficult" and what needs to be practiced.
Student participation at present (June 2000) takes place at several levels:
Students taking the HTML course have to produce a non-trivial homepage and at least one involved page on a scientific topic. This can also be an assignment from another course.
Interested students participating in a lecture may work on a particularly challenging subject and get their results (if correct) recognized as a part of their exercise assignments.
Students (even particularly interested high school students) work in a small group on defined topics.
Students with special interests or skills are paid ("HiWi" contracts) for certain work.
Teaching assistants, usually Ph.D. students, are encouraged to get involved or are paid for specific jobs on occasion.
The "Guided Tour" will provide links to some of the student work.

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