Voltaterras Tubes

The illustrations shows Voltaterras basic idea: Take a cylinder of a material, cut it along some wall, move the surfaces of the cut in all ways that - after welding the wall together again - will lead to different deformation states.

There is a limited and rather small number of possible independent cuts. All other cuts plus some deformation can always be experessed as a linear superposition of the elementary cuts.
Here are the elementary cuts. The first 4 ones correspond to dilocationes - i.e. a real dislocation produces exactly the kind of straín field produced by the cut; the last three ones corresponds to defects (disclinations) that are more elementary than dislocations, but are not observed in real crystals. They do however, appear in two-dimensional lattices, e.g. in the flux-line lattice of superconductors.

gehe zu 5.2.2 Stress Field of a Straight Dislocation